How are teams formed?
You can form teams with your group of friends or get matched with a team that needs a Free Agent. If you sign up as a Team make sure to sign up as a Captain through Team Registration. If you are just short of a full roster you may still register through this program, just make sure to email me at to let me know how many Free Agents you are looking for.
If I sign up as Captain do I add myself to the roster as a player?
The answer is no, simply uncheck the box to avoid the double charge. If you add yourself to the roster the system will charge you twice for registration. As a captain you are automatically on the roster and able to play the season.
If you are looking for a team to join sign up through the Free Agent Program. If you have a friend or two you'd like to be placed with make sure to enter it in the teammate request box.
FAQ: What happens after I register as a Free Agent?
Once registration closes you will be placed on a team, you will receive an invite link and you will then be invited to pay for your individual roster spot. This process can take up to a week.
FAQ: Roster requirements
Each sport has a minimum and maximum roster requirement for play.
Softball minimum: 8 maximum: 12
Soccer minimum: 7 maximum: 10
Flag football minimum: 5 maximum: 9
Dodgeball minimum: 7 maximum: 10
My name is Cynthia Garcia, I am the commissioner of The Village Sports league! Please email with any other questions.