Welcome To The Village Sports Leagues! 

How do I sign up?

Just click on the registration link above! 

Who can play?

Leagues are open to both Villagers and non-Villagers. Villagers will receive a discount on registration fees and have a longer registration window. 

What sports will be offered?

Village Sport Leagues offer Men's softball, Coed Softball, kickball, basketball, volleyball, flag football, Dodgeball, Pickleball, Sand Volleyball and Soccer. We are always adding more sports!

How are teams formed?

You can form teams with your group of friends or get matched with a team that needs a Free Agent. If you sign up as a Team make sure to sign up as a Captain through Team Registration. If you are just short of a full roster you may still register through this program, just make sure to email me at gameon@thevillagedallas.com to let me know how many Free Agents you are looking for. 

If I sign up as Captain do I add myself to the roster as a player? 

The answer is no, simply uncheck the box to avoid the double charge. If you add yourself to the roster the system will charge you twice for registration. As a captain you are automatically on the roster and able to play the season. If you are looking for a team to join sign up through the Free Agent Program. If you have a friend or two you'd like to be placed with make sure to enter it in the teammate request box. 

FAQ: What happens after I register as a Free Agent?

 Once registration closes you will be placed on a team, you will receive an invite link and you will then be invited to pay for your individual roster spot. This process can take up to a week.

FAQ: Roster requirements Each sport has a minimum and maximum roster requirement for play. 

Softball minimum: 8 maximum: 12 

Soccer minimum: 7 maximum: 10 

Flag football minimum: 5 maximum: 9

Dodgeball minimum: 7 maximum: 10

My name is Cynthia Garcia, I am the commissioner of The Village Sports league! Please email gameon@thevillagedallas.com with any other questions.